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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 [Download]
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- The title picks up immediately following the historic events of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, the blockbuster title that earned worldwide critical acclaim.
- An entirely new gameplay mode which supports 2-player co-operative play via online or split screen that is unique from the single player story campaign.
- Special Ops pits players into a gauntlet of time-trial and objective-based missions.
- Rank-up as players unlock new Special Ops missions, each more difficult.
- Missions include highlights from the single player campaign, fan favorite missions from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and all new missions, never before seen.
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The newest installment in the groundbreaking Call of Duty series, Modern Warfare 2 features for the first time in video games, the musical soundtrack of legendary Academy Award and Grammy winning composer Hans Zimmer.
List Price: $ 19.99 Price: $ 9.99
Customer Reviews
982 of 1,106 people found the following review helpful ![]() By = Fun: ![]() This review is from: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (DVD-ROM) The perks of buying the PC version according to Infinity Ward (IW):1. Text chatting. Now you can text chat to your buddies in-game while online, what fantastic innovation. 2. Adjustable graphics setting -- gotta give them points for adding that feature, while console users are stuck with their 720/1080 resolution, you can max it up all the way depending on your hardware. Amazing stuff...although every game has had this feature since the beginning of PC gaming. 3. The ability to use your mouse and keyboard. Now you can unplug your xbox controller and use your computer accessories for a more accurate FPS experience(!). 4. You'll have a fantastic smooth time connecting to IWNet; its so perfect, it'll even give you XBox Live error messages. Now, the negatives: 1. You're paying more for an inferior product. vs . The consoles have a valid excuse for charging more -- .00 goes to the console manufacturer (Sony or Microsoft), Activision is just being greedy here; really quite unacceptable, especially in today's economy. 2. Dedicated servers removed -- don't even get me started; I'm sure you've heard of the petition which is nearing 200,000 signatures to re-include dedicated servers. We're left with a terrible online experience. I played the first Modern Warfare (MW) on the PS3 which had peer to peer online play and it was disastrous. Expect drop outs and poor performance. The host of the game will always have the advantage because they have the better latency. 3. No mods. This is surprising because so many other popular games were developed from mods including -- Counterstrike, Team-fortress 2 and Left 4 Dead. The only reason I can think of why IW/Activision would want to do such a thing would be to charge for content later on. I remember paying for 3 maps for the first MW -- and to tell you the truth, it really wasn't worth it. 4. Steam required. When you install the game you are required to install the Steam platform and link it to an e-mail address, and your Steam username. This makes reselling the game next to impossible. 5. Feels and plays more like a Modern Warfare 1.5 then a Modern Warfare 2.0; the graphics are alright for todays standard, but I was expecting a lot more from IW for a two year development cycle. 6. Short single player. Since they've gimped the multiplayer aspect, and the single player can roughly be finished in 6-7 hours, I suggest you rent this on the console if you have one. 7. Multiplayer only allows 9 vs 9 (18 player) matches. MW1 allows up to 64 -- does more mean more enjoyable? No, not necessarily, but at least there is choice and server admins were able to set it to their liking. Infinity Ward have really let their fans down. The multi-player made the original spectacular; with the removal of dedicated servers, competitive and fair play is dead. Business schools should take note because this would make a wonderful case study on how a company has ruined one of the most anticipated franchise in such a short amount of time. MW2 was literally a license to print money for Activison/IW. With such a terrible management decision, reinstating dedicated servers will be the only hope to redeem themselves in the eyes of their consumers -- however I think this fiasco will not be easily forgotten. *** Update 11/18/09 Theres hope yet! Hackers have released a patch so you can start/join a dedicated server; its disgusting that this has to come from the underground scene and not Activision/IW. It seems that the hacked copies "freely" available over the Internet is now the superior version. Hackers have also found hidden modes via the console -- Global Thermonuclear War, One Flag CTF and VIP mode -- future downloadable content already in the game? How low you've fallen Activision/IW. *** Update 04/16/10 I've given up on this game and probably this series for good -- The 'impenetrable' IWNet is plagued with hacks and cheats. I suggest you all save your money and get Battlefield Bad Company 2 instead; I've been enjoying the experience so far, its a game that involves more strategy and not your standard Modern Warfare, run and gun. Even the NY Times agrees that Bad Company 2 is a better game than Modern Warfare 2. [...] 520 of 584 people found the following review helpful ![]() By = Fun: ![]() Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?) This review is from: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (DVD-ROM) I actually bought this game even though it will be the last Infinity Ward game I support by purchasing. I've been a huge fan of said developer since Call of Duty 1, a PC exclusive, since day one. I've purchased every single Call of Duty game developed by Infinity Ward over the years (including the expansion for CoD1 which wasn't developed by them). I never had a problem purchasing their products. Until now. This is the first time I've ever felt like a total tool and a moron for purchasing their "PC game".The game IS phenomenal. The graphics are noticeably improved over Modern Warfare 1, despite using the same graphics engine. The overhaul is there, but a lot of current gen games have better visuals. Sound design is great as always. There's a lot of recycled sounds and some new ones. Multiplayer is more of the same which isn't a bad thing, and the new co-op mode, from what I've played so far, seems fun. That's where my positive review ends. So basically you get more of the same, with slightly upgraded graphics. Here's where things turn bad. For starters, Activision is charging for this game, a move that completely goes against the grain of PC game pricing trends. Why? Because they can. It's a business move, yes, but it's completely immoral and greedy. Corporate greed rears its ugly head. Activision are the new EA. You would think for you would get, oh I don't know, a longer than average single player campaign right? Well you don't. If you thought Modern Warfare's campaign was short prepare to get slapped in the face with a campaign that can easily be completed in one session. Bigger price, smaller experience. But most people are probably buying it for multiplayer anyway, so let's discuss that. Basically it's all been said before. This is a console port, right down to being limited to 9v9. Want to get your clan together for some 32 vs. 32? Nope. 16 vs 16? Nope. Oh come on least give me some 12 v 12. Sorry Charlie. You get 9v9, just like the console. And just like the console you can't sort servers and pick where you want to play, you can't tweak game parameters via a developer console (another PC industry standard that Infinity Ward think's it's too good to implement), and, OH, no dedicated server support. Frankly, I'm surprised the PC port even allowed me to play with a mouse and keyboard.... It's painfully obvious that Infinity Ward prefer console development at this point (particularly the 360, which gets exclusive content before anybody else for the second game in row now), and it's even clearer that Activsion are greedy jerks. It was a good run, Infinity Ward, but just like real life I won't associate with conceited, big-headed people. You won't get any more of my money. MW2 gets one star for actually being a fun game, but insulting PC gamers by lying about features that never made it to the game (dedicated servers, more people per server than the console versions, etc), and the fact that your publisher is price gouging, keeps it from scoring higher. ** APPENDED MULTIPLAYER INFO ** Okay so I've put in a few hours of multiplayer over the last few days and my worst fears were confirmed consistently. Horrible latency just ruins the experience. The game measures latency by a 4 bar system, similar to a mobile phone's signal strength. So rather than seeing what your latency is as measured by miliseconds, you will see 1-4 bars. Usually 3. Very rarely in my time playing MP did I ever have 4 bars, unless I was hosting the game. I kept a close eye on other player's latencys(using the TAB button) and probably 70% of the players had 3 bars as well, with usually just 1 or 2 people having 4 bars - one of which was the player hosting the game - and a couple unfortunate fools who were somehow getting by with 2 bars or less. The person who hosts a game enjoys a SIGNIFICANT advantage over even those with 3 bars. The killcam proves it. Time after time after time I would get killed and, through the eyes of my opponent thanks to killcam, notice that there was about a half second difference between what I saw and what actually happened. Then I'd hit the TAB button and sure enough, that guy has 4 bars and I only have 3. Ridiculous. I have a fast enough internet connection (2 MB up), and don't notice these latency disadvantages with other shooters, so I have to put the blame solely on IWNET. It's really unfortunate and it's just the way it is which is sad as the multiplayer seems really fun and the levels are well thought out. The reality is if you want to play Multiplayer you're going to have to put up with a LOT of frustrating deaths, even if you get the drop on somebody, because he is enjoying a significant latency advantage. The matchmaking is also broken. It's supposed to match you based on latency (therefore location) and skill, so why was I constantly in matches with... Read more 1,086 of 1,226 people found the following review helpful ![]() By = Fun: ![]() This review is from: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (DVD-ROM) Do not buy this game. It is a total waste of your hard earned money. Just read some of the reviews and you will see this is nothing more than a gimped console port. Everything that makes this game a PC game is missing.I would recommend waiting for Battlefield Bad Company 2 for the PC instead. It retains much of what is still desirable in a PC game. Here is a break down of the differences between Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. Take notice that almost everything is a downgrade for a higher price. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Networking: Client/Server Avg Ping: 25-40ms Console Commands: Yes Lean: Yes Custom Maps: Yes Number of Players: up to 64 Competitive Mods: Yes Mod Tools: Yes Ability to Record: Yes Kick/Ban Hackers Immediately: Yes Profiles Saved Online: No Manually Select Server to Join: Yes Control Bad Language: Yes 0 ping Advantage for Host: No Lan Play: Yes Free Demo: Yes Price: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Networking: Peer 2 Peer (downgrade) Avg Ping: 100ms+ (downgrade) Console Commands: No (downgrade) Lean: No (downgrade) Custom Maps: No (downgrade) Number of Players: up to 18 (downgrade) Competitive Mods: No (downgrade) Mod Tools: No (downgrade) Ability to Record: No (downgrade) Kick/Ban Hackers Immediately: No (downgrade) Profiles Saved Online: Yes Manually Select Server to Join: No (downgrade) Control Bad Language: No (downgrade) 0 ping Advantage for Host: Yes (downgrade) Lan Play: Yes Free Demo: No (downgrade) Price: (downgrade) |
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 [Download]
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