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Spider-man: The Edge of Time
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When a time stream goes awry, spinning the universe toward a catastrophic future and causing the early and untimely death of Peter Parker, there's only one man who can set things straight. Make that one man in two eras. It's up to both the classic Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2099 to correct the time stream and save Peter Parker â" and the world as we know it. Are you ready to take on one of Spider-Man's greatest challenges ever? When a time stream goes awry, spinning the universe toward a catastrophic future and causing the early and untimely death of Peter Parker, there's only one man who can set things straight. Make that one man in two eras. It's up to both the classic Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2099 to correct the time stream and save Peter Parker â" and the world as we know it. Are you ready to take on one of Spider-Man's greatest challenges ever? Play as Spiderman 2099
List Price: $ 29.99 Price: $ 16.13
Customer Reviews
23 of 24 people found the following review helpful ![]() = Fun: ![]() Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?) This review is from: Spider-man: The Edge of Time (Video Game) When Edge of Time was announced I was excited because I really enjoyed Shattered Dimensions despite its flaws. However, I was somewhat concerned with the release date of Edge of Time being just a little over a year after Shattered Dimensions. After finishing the game, I can say with certainty that the short development window shows.The entire game takes place in a single building and the visuals do not vary much. In fact, they vary so little that I could hardly tell a difference between the two time periods. There are very few villains in Edge of Time and there is very little interaction with them. An overwhelming amount of the dialogue is between the two Spider-men and the villains have very little to say (one in particular says nothing at all). I don't want to give away any spoilers but I have to say that one of the final bosses is not very imaginative. I groaned a bit when he revealed himself. I found the challenges to be boring and repetitive. Almost all of them are "collect X number of orbs in Y seconds", "get a X-hit combo in Y seconds", or "don't get hit while you accomplish some objective". Worst of all, the game is very short. I was able to beat the game and unlock all the alternate costumes in a few hours. It should be noted that there are several improvements over Shattered Dimensions. Combat overall feels more polished and there is greater distinction between the fighting styles of Amazing Spider-man and Spider-man 2099. Edge of Time no longer has a button for evading melee attacks. Instead, Amazing has an ability to temporarily move extremely fast thereby avoiding enemy attacks and 2099 has an ability to create a decoy of himself that draws enemy attacks to it. This is a great improvement over the Shattered Dimensions' method of just holding down the dodge button for the entire game. Spider-man's spider sense has also been revamped so that it only stays on for a brief time, showing the way to the next objective. In Shattered Dimensions, I found myself leaving spider sense on most of the time simply because there was no reason not to. Finally, wall crawling is greatly improved. The camera is much more stable when wall crawling however going in the direction that you intend is still a bit troublesome though manageable. It only really becomes a problem when you try to complete a timed challenge that requires wall crawling. There are other things to like about Edge of Time. The voice acting for the two Spider-men is top notch. After all, both voice actors are Spider-man veterans in TV and video games. The rest of the cast does an ok job but none of them have enough lines to really stand out. I also liked that you could complete challenges without having to replay the entire level over and over. And if you have a Shattered Dimensions save file on your PS3 or XBOX then it will unlock many alternate costumes from Shattered Dimensions - a nice touch for loyal fans. Beenox has a lot of Spider-man experience under their belt and I think they could make a truly exceptional Spider-man game given the proper time and resources. However, Edge of Time is just not that game. Overall, it was an enjoyable ride but just far too short. I would recommend it as a rental or when it comes down in price. 2 of 2 people found the following review helpful ![]() By = Fun: ![]() Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?) This review is from: Spider-man: The Edge of Time (Video Game) Im a 24 year old guy and i loved this game! It started off bland and some few parts are somewhat cheesy, but it was awesome! The story was up there and the cut scenes were amazing! I got the feeling at times they were trying to copy the arkham batman games, but thats a good thing. 5 of 7 people found the following review helpful ![]() By This Reader (Seattle, WA) - See all my reviews = Fun: ![]() This review is from: Spider-man: The Edge of Time (Video Game) I enjoyed this game quite bit, but would probably give it a 3.5 if Amazon allowed half point ratings. The story is great, well told, and well presented. The voice work couldn't be better. I liked the concept of the game a lot, and found that the narrative really drove me to keep playing (although the end seemed pretty abrupt after the final battle). The graphics are very nicely done as well, and the Spider-men especially look brilliant. The boss battles were too few, however, and I wasn't espescially fond of the choice of bosses either (real villains from the comics would have been better). The last couple boss fights were also a little too vague in terms of what the player needed to do in order to win, and that led to needless frustration.Overall I found this to be a worthwhile game, even better than Shattered Dimensions in Some ways, but unfortunately a step down from SD in a few ways as well (and overall). Of the two, I think Shattered Dimensions is slightly better (mostly due to boss fights and minor combat engine changes), but both are very worth playing. While the story in Edge of Time is better than the story in SD, the combat isn't quite as well done. Spider-man 2099's decoy in Edge of Time is a lot of fun to use, and the combat is enjoyable, but I never stopped missing the ability to do an evasive roll or the ability to lock onto a target--both things you could do in Shattered Dimensions that were left out of Edge of Time. Whoever made the choice to remove them made a mistake in my opinion. That said, the combat in Edge of Time is still enjoyable, and once you've upgraded the two spider-men, it's a blast to take on rooms full of enemies. I'd pick Shattered Dimensions as my favorite Spider-man game of all time, but Edge of Time is a close second, and I can easily say they are my two favorite Spider-man games by far. I liked all the boss fights in SD, the first person combat in SD, and the lock-ons/evasive rolls in SD, but the combat in Edge of Time is also good, and the story and Cohesiveness go a long way toward narrowing the gap between the two games. Still, the boss fights, number of bosses, and choice of bosses in Shattered Dimensions outshine what was done in Edge of Time. Hopefully next year Beenox can take the strengths from both games and make their masterpiece. |
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Spider-man: The Edge of Time
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