Monday, 26 March 2012

Software Agreements Line by Line: A Detailed Look at Software Contracts and Licenses & How to Change Them to Fit Your Needs

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Software Agreements Line by Line: A Detailed Look at Software Contracts and Licenses & How to Change Them to Fit Your Needs

Software Agreements Line by Line: A Detailed Look at Software Contracts and Licenses & How to Change Them to Fit Your Needs In such a business climate that demands a heightened understanding and keen ability to leverage essential technologies, one must understand every element of an agreement as critical and essential as the software user/vendor contract. As there has long been a disconnect between the express interests of the end user and the objectives of the vendor party in the developing, drafting and executing of such contracts, Software Licenses Line by Line serves to bridge this gap. Taking a standard agreement and breaking it down clause by clause, explaining the nuances of the language and the implications inherent there within, authors Michael Overly and James Kalyvas (partners at Foley & Lardner) present a comprehensive overview of a contract, detail how it can be manipulated, offer practical solutions to prevent against this and suggest ways in which it might be adapted to meet the needs of the end user. A never-before offered glimpse into the often daunting world of these highly-techn ical agreements, Software Licenses Line by Line highlights the often overlooked, unnoticed and even hidden aspects of authorizing, purchasing and leveraging such business-critical assets. The ability to understand and develop user-friendly software licenses and agreements offers unparalleled advantages for any company invested in, or making decisions around, purchasing software. This book will prove instrumental in rendering any reader an informed user, a more strategic thinker and above all, an empowered consumer.In such a business climate that demands a heightened understanding and keen ability to leverage essential technologies, one must understand every element of an agreement as critical and essential as the software user/vendor contract. As there has long been a disconnect between the express interests of the end user and the objectives of the vendor party in the developing, drafting and executing of such contracts, Software Licenses Line by Line serves to bridge this gap. Taking a standard agreement and breaking it down clause by clause, explaining the nuances of the language and the implications inherent there within, authors Michael Overly and James Kalyvas (partners at Foley & Lardner) present a comprehensive overview of a contract, detail how it can be manipulated, offer practical solutions to prevent against this and suggest ways in which it might be adapted to meet the needs of the end user. A never-before offered glimpse into the often daunting world of these highly-technical agreements, Software Licenses Line by Line highlights the often overlooked, unnoticed and even hidden aspects of authorizing, purchasing and leveraging such business-critical assets. The ability to understand and develop user-friendly software licenses and agreements offers unparalleled advantages for any company invested in, or making decisions around, purchasing software. This book will prove instrumental in rendering any reader an informed user, a more str ategic thinker and above all, an empowered consumer.

List Price: $ 49.46 Price: $ 49.46

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